Cole Burgess
Cole is a painter, writer and actor living and working on Gadigal land/Sydney. He completed a Diploma of Graphic Design in 2021.
Cole is interested in the ways in which we experience, and think about, the world. In his work, he meditates on how experience, in its myriad forms, is delineated into pre-conceived ‘categories’ (the ‘intellectual’, ‘sensorial’, ‘intuitive’ and ‘imaginative’), and considers how these categories, once psychologically established, inevitably interfere with how we engage with (and, indeed, perceive) the world. Cole seeks to explore the potential ‘re-coherence’ of this perceptual scattering, with the intention of producing pieces that are, ultimately, truer to ‘first-hand’ experience.
Cole's practice involves the gradual agglomeration of thought, and consists of writing, discussion, research and dog-park excursions in equal measure. Questions raised-by, and observations offered-from, history, science, mathematics and philosophy frequently inform the development of his work. Under ideal circumstances, Cole engages in painting as a form of spiritually-animate meditation.
View the work: Building 24 Level 1, Rayner Hoff Project Space