Amelia Rose
Amelia Rose's practice focuses on the transformative potential of everyday objects, exploring the tangled relationship between the organic and the artificial. Through both two-dimensional and three-dimensional mediums, she engages in a process-based methodology that centres tactile interaction with materials.
Her site-informed installations draw attention to architectural context, prompting a dialogue between histories embedded in site and the layered narratives of the materials she employs. Through an experimental investigation, Amelia animates discarded objects, inviting audiences to encounter them as entities with their own stories, aiming to decentre humanistic perspective and traditional views of possession and value.
She confronts assumptions about the ordinary by embracing the abject and monstrous qualities of familiar materials. Through this engagement, Amelia positions her artworks to create a space for embodied viewing that allows for the consideration of the deep time aspect embedded in architectural surroundings to reflect on the interconnectedness within a complex web.
View the work: Building 11 Ground Floor, Rayner Hoff Project Space