Coda Ridley
I am very Interested in Australian art, and art that comments on how humans are the lowest form of life. Sometimes I think about the way the Aboriginals cared for the land and it makes me sad that people who live in Australia now, couldn’t care less and litter everywhere.
I am very into painting nature with bright, vibrant colours. I love painting animals, squiggly bark trees, rainbow gum trees, boab trees, the sky at dawn, daytime, dusk and nighttime. I like painting the land. All sorts of biomes. I’m obsessed with the diversity of the Australian landscape and flora and fauna.
If humans continue to destroy the earth’s resources and not leave things as they are, the earth will become unliveable within a short span of time. A lot of my art depicts animals, or endangered animals. I aim at making art that becomes a cautionary tale that urges humans to slow down, appreciate the beauty of the world, without always needing to change it, move it, mine it, cut it down or commodify it as a token keepsake of an experience.
View the work: Building 16, Building 27, Rayner Hoff Project Space