Clarity Dearing
Clarity Dearing is a multidisciplinary artist living in Sydney, Australia. Her artistic process is predominantly inspired by the longing for identity and meaning in a modern world where technological advancements blur the lines between human and machine. Dearing creates dystopian scenes and landscapes that represent speculative futures of a dysfunctional society where technology governs every aspect of life, questioning where the human spirit fits in. She explores technological advancements within virtual reality, artificial intelligence and biotechnology, reflecting on the impact that this technology has on our perceptions of reality.
Dearing’s constructed scenes often break the boundaries of physics and perception. She examines how advanced technologies and speculative fiction challenge and reshape our understanding of perceptual limits and physical laws. Dearing utilises these narratives of disillusionment and disintegration to mirror the collective anxieties we experience about the human condition in today’s rapidly changing world. Through her works, Dearing questions how technology influences her perception of self and how she attempts to maintain a sense of belonging and purpose as a woman born into the digital age.
View the works: Demountable Studios First Floor, First Floor Gallery