Wynton Lambert
At the core of Wynton Lambert’s practice is investigating how images shape perception in a media-saturated world. Drawing from Guy Debord’s Spectacle, Lambert critiques a reality dominated by visuals, where appearance replaces substance. His work dissects how contemporary society, especially politics, is driven by curated images, often eclipsing meaningful discourse.
Lambert's manipulation of preexisting imagery forces viewers to move beyond aesthetics, challenging them to question the authenticity of what they see. By omitting original contexts, he mirrors how media strips away meaning, presenting polished facades that distort lived experience. His compositions are tight and fragmented, evoking a sense of being trapped within the spectacle and demanding active engagement from the viewer.
This critique is not just outward-facing; Lambert acknowledges his role in the spectacle. His work, therefore, becomes a reflexive act—both a product of and a challenge to the image-driven systems that shape our world. His goal is to provoke critical reflection on how we consume images and to interrogate the tension between what we see and what is real.
In sum, Lambert’s work is a sharp critique of an image-obsessed culture, pushing viewers to confront how visual saturation has warped communication and meaning in contemporary life.
View the work: Building 24 Level 2, Ground Floor Gallery